on 02-12-2013 07:13
on 02-12-2013 07:13
Hi All, I'm new to this and not entirely sure if this has been posted in the correct forum.
I have traced my bills back a few months and from about August this year, o2 has been charging me steadily for Premium Texts received. In August, the charge was £4.17, by Sept it was £11.25 and same in October. My November bill has come to £19.58. I pay my bills when they arrive and this morning I realised that perhaps I should make contact with o2.
What are these numbers? Can someone help? I do not wish to pay for these anymore and I won't.
In November, there were 3 messages received from 30020210 for £11.25 The same for October and September. There was nothing before that. Can someone tell me who this number belongs to and why they are charging me £11.25 every month for receiving messages I have not ordered? I plan to make my bill payment this month, less the 3x £11.25 I have been charged since the end of August.
on 02-12-2013 07:24
on 02-12-2013 07:24
you need to pay in full and raise a complaint with the requlator phonepayplus http://www.phonepayplus.org.uk/For-the-Public.aspx
a google search says badoo services using the payforit mobile payment platform http://www.payforit.org/
on 02-12-2013 07:24
on 02-12-2013 07:24
you need to pay in full and raise a complaint with the requlator phonepayplus http://www.phonepayplus.org.uk/For-the-Public.aspx
a google search says badoo services using the payforit mobile payment platform http://www.payforit.org/
on 02-12-2013 07:30
These are premium messages you have inadvertently signed up for either via an app or possibly facebook.
Have a look here : http://www.whophonedme.co.uk/30020210
Witholding payment wouldn't be wise and just put you into debt affecting your credit rating,
Contact Badoo on 02070 999 939or visit their website to see if they will refund the charges and get the messages stopped.