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To our Managers and Social Media teams

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@Marjo @Martin-O2 @Chris_K 

An open post to you all.

Those of us who are on this forum day after day, 24/7, know that we are having many issues reported

from hundreds of customers.


The one which concerns me most is the major problem reported by a fair few people on here.

Apparently the system is failing to take monthly Direct Debits from customers who have money in their banks to pay. Then they have their accounts suspended through no fault of their own.

This is beyond belief actually.

Add to that, these customers are unable to get through to O2...

1) Due to their phones being cut off (even using Skype)

2) Also as there are not enough O2 staff to take the calls.

This will have an impact on their credit rating.


Something needs to done and quickly to rectify this matter.

My bill is due on the 23rd of this month. If this happens to me I will be more than angry!

I hope you read this and give a response. More than that, I hope you get this issue sorted out without delay.


Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 1 of 34

Level 56: Guvnor
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I think that NO ONE should have a disconnected contract for the current time, O2 should be looking into THEIR billing mistakes long before pulling the plug on contracts that may belong to and be used by key workers, or be owned by people who rely on that communication.
I understand that O2 call staff may be reduced, but if that's the case, disconnection should not be happening, especially if the fault is not with the customer, but the direct debit system.
Disconnecting or even filing credit file entries for these people should NOT be happening.
My 2c
Message 2 of 34

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Totally agree. It seems that no-one has the ability to manually override the cut off system which is stupid given the current crisis.

More so when O2's systems are failing to process/collect direct debits when there is money in the banks available.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 3 of 34

Level 85: Esteemed
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@Cleoriff @viridis I totally agree with you both. I think O2's policy during this crisis has been nothing short of appalling. They've dropped the ball and have totally mismanaged dealing with customers who have encountered financial problems as a result of the pandemic. So many systems have either failed or aren't running up to speed, and there's no one to address the issues. Failed sim swaps, failed ports, inability to text, swathes of the network down for hours yesterday, and now this Direct Debit issue to name but a few. The response? A couple of 'gurus' feeble replies in one or two threads. Pretty shameful for the largest network in the UK.


Message 4 of 34

Level 47: Going Places
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I totally agree with the comments made by @Cleoriff  @viridis  @Bambino .

From my understanding, having read numerous posts by customers, a large number of them have contacted O2 to request an extention on their payment date due to unemployment and other problems during these difficult times, which has been agreed, on an individual basis, only for the same customer to posting to say that, despite the extension to their billing date, they have been cut off - by the automated system.

Surely, given that members of this Community are, day-in, day-out, doing everything to help customers, is it really beyond the capabilities of such a huge communications company to be able to address this isssue and remove the automated cut-off and give an extension to payment date across the board, thus relieving the workload not only to the O2 staff but to the unpaid members of the Community and help the customers who include the NHS front-line, carers in care homes, and those in essential services who risk their lives to save lives.

A little compassion and recognising the contribution which some customers make to all our lives by addressing the issue immediately - rather than a "we`re doing all we can" response - would be much appreciated by everyone.   


Girl in a jacket

Some people see things as they are and ask "Why?"; I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
Robert Kennedy.

Message 5 of 34

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It's a shambles and a disgrace!

Not only the direct debit system, the calls yesterday and texting today, tarring everyone with the same brush and blocking peoples' phones in this unprecedented time we, as a generation, have lived in, is nothing short of disgusting!

What is even worse, people who find themselves in financial difficulties are having a bloody awful time trying to get through to payment management. Understandably so, but unforgivable are the promises made to customers that, thank you for telling us that you aren't able to pay your bills, we will put payment on hold and won't restrict your services.

Of course...blatant lies! The system promptly cuts them off! Shame on you O2! Treating your customers like poop!


Message 6 of 34

Level 76: Forum Legend
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And to tell these customers, when they get through the to the call queue and are eventually answered, that their need is not urgent, well... Even the prompts on dialling 202 in early April were forcing people to look here, "because, oh, perhaps O2 are right, my call/problem is not really 'urgent' when compared to... "!

That these people *have* to call in the first place means they are concerned or worried.

And the table of needs put up, by Chris_K I think, is all well and good, but people dropping in looking for a quick fix never get to read it.

We try - you do too, but you have the resources to be a lot better.

Message 7 of 34

Level 66: Unequalled
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I'd never considered that @Cleoriff but i am a few days ahead of you (last payment was 20th April) so will keep you posted...
Actually i think the slow reaction to all of this has been rather telling.
First to the overwhelming number of people coming here asking about payment plans.
Then because they had been sent here after calling customer services and being told to look here for support (more so when it is things we can't help with).
The network falls over completely but nothing on the o2 home page or the community landing page.
When the network comes back some people can't use texting.
And still more people are coming here because they can't get through to customer services, or worse are sent here after getting through.
Would love to know how many new registrations have happened since 20th March, and how many duplicate posts are here because more obvious help is not forthcoming. God help you if you try to search for it!

Please note, this is not customer services and we cannot access your account. Do not publish personal details (email, phone number, bank account).

Link to our guide on how to contact them can be found here

Message 8 of 34

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I do know (via a PM from one of the managers) that new membership had trebled in the first week of lockdown. So we can only guess what it is now.


I don't have a problem being here and hammering out replies to customers, it gives me something to do. However, it's frustrating when we know the advice we give probably won't help as O2 aren't operating much of a service at all. Also, as you say, CS sending them back to the forum for support is ridiculous and just passing the buck when we can't access accounts.


Thanks for offering to let me know if your bill is processed. It will ease my mind 'slightly' if it is.

On that note, I shall away and prepare for the onslaught tomorrow.

Veritas Numquam Perit

Girl in a jacket
Message 9 of 34

Level 76: Forum Legend
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PS. My bill paid monthly using the saved card payment option in MyO2 app - worked flawlessly on 5th May, e-mail receipt landed in my inbox within minutes of payment, and all relevant sections of website updated accordingly (Payment History in billing section of the website). My bill date is always 1st of the month.

#JustSayin' 😁
Message 10 of 34