I am confuzzled!
I have (finally....thanks for all your non help, o2 customer services!) eventually had my password changed as I lost the original one and can now log in to my o2 again. I wanted to make use of my free online texts, as I ran out of my 500 contract texts ages ago and have actually ended up spending an extra £16 on texts this month alone...eeek! Anyway I was lead to believe that all iPhone contract customers get 100 free webtexts a month. However logging in to my o2 account, all it comes up with and lets me use are these 10 texts, no more. I read in the FAQs that any Tom, Dick or Harry regardless of mobile phone network they are on or what phone they use can sign up for an o2 account and get the 10 free texts, so now I'm wondering if you actually get more online texts as an o2 contract customer, and if so, how do you access them? Or us this person telling me porkies by saying all o2 iPhone customers get 100 free webtexts every month?! It would be hoped that o2 customers would get more benefits such as more online texts, than any random person who signs up for the free 10 text account...but if there are more free texts to be had, I have no clue how to access them!
Please can someone help this person who is going stir crazy not being able to text!! Thank yooooou!