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500mb per month may be enough

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When I saw new tarriffs today, rang o2 customer services and checked the last 3 months of data. Reply was that on average I'm using between 200 and 290. I would say I use my iPhone 3gs everyday doing various (data usage) things. ie stream video, surf, download apps etc both via 3g and home wifi. I work full time, but I would say I'm an average user. With these facts in mind I feel better about new tarriffs. Been with vodaphone and 3 networks, when it comes to signal strength and customer service o2, although not amazing, have been far better than both of the other networks I have spent considerable time being a customer of.
Message 1 of 8

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Its a good point, the vast majority of people use less than 500megabytes per month.
Message 2 of 8

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hmmm I wonder how everyone think when Face Time start on 3g or may be someone start using skype. Will 500MB still be enough????
Message 3 of 8

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Using that is a personal choice if you decide to use either of those and you need more MB then pay for it. I personally won't be using either because a normal telephone conversation is fine for me.
Message 4 of 8

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500 MB might be fine now and for the next few months but how about a year later? Two years? Smartphones are getting more powerful each time a new model is released. Apps are getting bigger and smarter all the this increases you WILL start using your phone for more than just a phone call and odd text.

So yeah 500MB might be OK for now, but soon enough its going to be far to low for modern day smart phones.
Message 5 of 8

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If that happens then the networks will change their tariffs to suit.
I wouldn't choose a tariff based on what I might need to do a few years down the line.
Message 6 of 8

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500mb may be enough FOR NOW. Apple release updated versions of their products on a fairly strict timeline, so a year from now the tariffs will have to change, especially if FACETIME is going to become the STANDARD apple wants it to be, but like steve jobs said they have to get the carriers on board, this means that the data usage cap has to be still within the average 97% of us. Unlimited means we never have to worry, but I'm still not worried with 500mb. What choice do I have anyway if I want the latest tech. It's looking like the other carriers are not gonna undercut each other much anyway.
Message 7 of 8

Not applicable
If that happens then the networks will change their tariffs to suit.
I wouldn't choose a tariff based on what I might need to do a few years down the line.

Well theres thinking ahead for you. I would chose a tariff because Smart Phones and that general market area are moving at an astronomical rate. Better and better processors, more and more applications that were in the realms of PC only etc. Its only going to keep moving on and yet the tariffs move backwards instead.

The simple fact is tho that the UK network is just plain rubbish really and isnt moving quick enough to keep up with the phone technology. More and more people are going to use more and more data....having a network that limits this and has tarrifs from the dark ages probably isnt going to cut it tbh.

Just my opinion OFC.
Message 8 of 8